Make America Great Again New Articles

How to Make America Great Again


It has now been a year since Donald J. Trump was sworn in every bit the xl-fifth president of the United States of America. Among other things, he said in his inauguration speech,

From this day forward, it'southward going to be only America first, America kickoff.

Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs volition be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs.

We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And nosotros will bring dorsum our dreams.

We volition build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.

We will follow 2 unproblematic rules; buy American and hire American.

And and then, at the end of his inauguration speech, Trump famously said, "Together, nosotros volition make America potent again. We will make America wealthy once again. We volition make America proud over again. We will make America safe once again. And yes, together nosotros volition make America great again."

The question is an appropriate one: Has America been made great again since Trump has been in office? And of course, that as well brings up a number of related questions: What has Trump done to make America great once more? What has Trump's party — the Republican Party — washed to make America bully again? Will Trump'south policies brand America great again? Was America always great to begin with? When was America great? What caused America to not be dandy anymore? What does it mean for America to be neat or not great? Can America exist made slap-up again? How tin America be made great again? It is this last question in particular that I desire to focus on.

Trump's America

At we are told,

President Trump is working hard to implement his "America Beginning" platform, continuing his promise to the American people to lower taxes, repeal and replace Obamacare, end stifling regulations, protect our borders, keep jobs in our state, take care of our veterans, strengthen our military and law enforcement, and renegotiate bad trade deals, creating a authorities of, by and for the people.

He is making America First, over again, restoring our nation's organized religion, ushering in a bright, new time to come now and for generations to come.

Working hard or hardly working?

Although Trump promised to "drain the swamp," many Washington lobbyists say business organisation is better than ever. According to the Heart for Responsive Politics, "Spending on lobbying in Washington totaled nearly $i.7 billion in the first one-half of the twelvemonth, the highest since 2012." "I don't think that anything's really inverse," said longtime Republican lobbyist Brian Wild. "If annihilation, the lobbying business is booming correct now."

The national debt has now surpassed $twenty trillion and is fast budgeted $21 trillion. Trump'south first upkeep that he presented to Congress will ensure that the national debt keeps ascent. He proposed that the federal authorities spend the obscene amount of $iv.094 trillion, fifty-fifty though receipts were only projected to exist $3.654 trillion. His budget proposed that the federal regime spend more money every year for the next 10 years than it spent when Barack Obama was in role. The upkeep "cuts" are not actually cuts at all. They are spending increases that are smaller than those called for in the "baseline budget" that has been projected past the Congressional Budget Function since 1974. Trump'due south budget keeps intact the welfare state: food stamps, Medicare, SCHIP, Medicaid, Social Security, TANF, EITC, SSI, and every other welfare program are still funded. It besides expands the welfare state with a parental-exit program and year-round Pell Grants.

Trump likewise supports a huge increase in war machine spending. He has turned out to exist merely every bit much of a militarist and warmonger equally his predecessors. The The states bombed seven countries last year — Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Syrian arab republic, and Yemen — just as information technology did in Obama's last year in office. According to Newsweek,

For Trump, 2017 has already been an explosive year: The U.Due south. has said it dropped over two,400 bombs on Afghanistan, up from 1,337 final twelvemonth. In the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the U.Southward. has already dropped 32,801 bombs, compared with 30,743 in 2016. And the U.S. has also conducted more than 100 strikes against Al Qaeda in Yemen in 2017, compared with 38 in 2016.

Noncombatant casualties from America's war on ISIS have reached an all-fourth dimension high in Iraq and Syria. The U.S. empire shows no signs of shrinking. In late 2017, the New York Times reported that the United states "now has only over 240,000 active-duty and reserve troops in at to the lowest degree 172 countries and territories," plus an boosted 37,813 troops on assignments that take not been made public. "Nosotros operate and fight in every corner of the world," boasted Gen. Raymond Thomas, the master of U.S. Special Operations Control. The U.s.a. nevertheless has more than 39,000 troops in Japan and 36,000 in Germany, even though Globe War II concluded in 1945. The U.Southward. military has thousands of troops stationed in the Middle East, including half dozen,524 troops in Bahrain and 3,055 in Qatar, where the Usa has naval bases. The number of strange war machine bases has been estimated to exist more than ane,000. President Trump has not advocated that even one should be shut down. Last twelvemonth U.S. Special Operations Control reported that U.S. special forces conducted missions in 138 countries — roughly 70 per centum of the nations on the planet. And in addition to hot wars, Trump wants to start trade wars. He truly believes that higher tariffs and less trade will make America bang-up once again in some mode.

On the domestic front, as John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute has well said virtually America in the age of Trump, "The American police state is still live and well and flourishing." The federal drug war continues unabated. Americans are nonetheless subjected to "invasive surveillance, marauding SWAT teams, an overwhelming government arsenal of assault vehicles and firepower, and a barrage of laws that criminalize everything from vegetable gardens to lemonade stands." The NSA and the FBI yet listen to our phone calls and read our email. The authorities still carries out warrantless searches of our homes. The TSA still gropes and unnecessarily inconveniences airline travelers. Local police are still militarized. SWAT teams are still deployed in tape numbers. The Trump administration has paved the way for increased ceremonious asset forfeiture. Trump has even said that he wants those who burn the American flag to lose their citizenship or spend a year in jail.


Donald Trump has not made America cracking again and volition non make America great over again. He was never going to make America great again (and of course, neither was Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders). Indeed, it'southward not going to exist some person that makes America dandy again simply instead a philosophy: libertarianism.

Libertarianism is the philosophy that says that people should be free from private, societal, or authorities interference to live their lives whatsoever manner they desire, pursue their own happiness, accumulate equally much wealth as they tin can, appraise their own risks, make their own choices, engage in commerce with anyone who is willing to reciprocate, participate in any economical activity for their profit, and spend the fruits of their labor as they come across fit, as long as their deportment are peaceful, their associations are voluntary, their interactions are consensual, and they don't violate the personal or property rights of others.

The creed of libertarianism is nonaggression: freedom from aggression and violence against person and property as long as one respects the person and property of others. The principle undergirding the libertarian philosophy is what is known as the nonaggression principle. Considering authorities is the greatest violator of the nonaggression principle, personal liberty, and property rights, libertarians oppose government intervention, regulation, and control of the economic system and society; government regulation of business and commerce; and government restraint of peaceful, individual, voluntary, and consensual peaceful action.

To the libertarian, the but possible legitimate functions of government are defence, and judicial and policing activities. All regime actions, at any level of authorities, beyond those functions are illegitimate. As long as people don't borrow upon the liberty of others by committing, or threatening to commit, acts of fraud, theft, assailment, or violence against their person or property, the regime should but leave them lone.
Information technology is libertarianism that can make America slap-up again.

Making America slap-up once again

It is not higher tariffs, better merchandise agreements, a lower trade deficit, increased defence spending, more military equipment to cops, a edge wall, more clearing restrictions, tighter Cuba restrictions, buy-America campaigns, increased civil asset forfeitures, more countries bombed, more troops sent away, increased drone strikes, tougher enforcement of federal marijuana laws, strengthening military and law enforcement, or policing more than of the world that will make America great again. Trump's policies will not make America peachy again.

But libertarianism will. The following are some libertarian ideas to limit the size and scope of government, protect holding rights, and increase personal and commercial freedom. It is these ideas that will make America cracking again.

Repeal all victimless-offense laws. Every crime should have a tangible and identifiable victim with real harm and measurable damages. Rape, robbery, assail, kid abuse, battery, break-in, theft, arson, looting, kidnapping, shoplifting, embezzlement, murder, manslaughter — those are existent crimes. Possessing illegal drugs, prostitution, ticket scalping, and illegal gambling are victimless crimes.

Using drugs may be addictive, unhealthy, and immoral, merely it is not for the regime to decide what risks Americans are allowed to take and what kinds of behaviors they are immune to engage in. Regarding prostitution, why should a service that is legal to give away be illegal if one charges for information technology? Regarding ticket scalping, what could possibly be wrong with an exchange of tickets for greenbacks betwixt a willing heir-apparent and a willing seller, every bit long as their activeness does non violate the property rights of the owner of the basis where they make their exchange? Regarding gambling, all Americans should be able to do with their money as they run across fit, even if that ways wasting it on vices such as gambling.

And regarding victimless crimes in general, why should peaceful, private, voluntary, and consensual action be criminalized? The U.s. leads the world in incarceration rates. Only trigger-happy criminals should be incarcerated, and no one should ever be locked up for committing a victimless offense.

Repeal all anti-discrimination laws. Discrimination is another crime in search of a victim. Anti-discrimination laws violate individual- property rights, freedom of association, liberty of contract, and freedom of thought. Discriminating confronting someone is not aggressing against him. Discrimination means freedom. A free gild must include the liberty to discriminate against any private or group for any reason and on whatever basis.

Constitute educational freedom. It is not the proper role of government to provide or pay for the education of anyone. Didactics is, in the example of children, a parental responsibility; in the example of adults, it is an individual responsibleness. In either case, it is not the responsibility of government. And of course, on the federal level, the Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal regime to have anything to do with education. No American should be forced to pay for the education of whatever other American.

Institute medical freedom. It is non the proper office of government to provide or pay for the medical care or insurance of anyone. Medical care is, in the case of children, a parental responsibility; in the case of adults, information technology is an private responsibleness. In either instance, information technology is not the responsibility of government. And of form, on the federal level, the Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal government to accept annihilation to do with medical care or insurance. No American should be forced to pay for the medical intendance of any other American.

Cease occupational licensing. Depending on the state, many occupations — such as barbers, lawyers, accountants, travel agents, locksmiths, auctioneers — require a document of permission and approval from a government-sponsored lath. But why should anyone have to become permission from the government to open a business, appoint in commerce, work in certain occupations, take a particular vocation, or provide a service to willing customers? There is absolutely no reason why all occupations could non be privately certified.

End all regime subsidies. It is not the task of the government to subsidize agriculture, housing, scientific or medical research, cultural activities of individuals or organizations, or health insurance. All grants for research or the arts should come from individual sources. And agriculture, housing, and health insurance should be treated simply like any other sector of the economy.

Institute travel freedom. Any American should have the right to travel to any land by any means for any reason for any period of fourth dimension and spend any corporeality of his coin while he is there. Whatsoever American business organization should accept the liberty to decide which countries it wants or doesn't want to do concern in or with.

Institute real gratuitous trade. Trade does not result in winners and losers; it is ever mutually beneficial or it would not take identify. Trade does not demand to exist managed past the government with trade agreements. The trade deficit is a government bookkeeping fiction. Free trade needs no trade organizations, trade agreements, or merchandise treaties. Free trade means that merchandise is conducted without existence hindered by tariffs, quotas, barriers, regulations, restrictions, or dumping rules. All forms and levels of protectionism require government cardinal planning. Free trade is off-white trade whenever information technology doesn't involve regime subsidies, crony capitalism, or a authorities import-consign banking concern.

End the welfare land. The federal government operates about 80 ways-tested welfare programs that limit benefits or payments on the footing of the beneficiary'due south income or assets. The best-known of these programs are Medicaid; the Country Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); the Supplemental Diet Assistance Program (SNAP [formerly known as food stamps]); Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF); Caput Showtime; Healthy Offset; Supplemental Security Income (SSI); school breakfast and luncheon programs; and the Low Income Home Energy Assist Program (LIHEAP). All of these means-tested programs, likewise as the crown jewel of the welfare state — Social Security — have the same three problems: 1. They are non authorized past the Constitution. 2. They are not a legitimate purpose of government. three. They are wealth-redistribution schemes. All charity should be private and voluntary.

Eliminate refundable tax credits. There is cypher wrong with regular tax credits. They are simply dollar-for-dollar reductions in the amount of income tax owed. Tax credits may reduce the taxation owed to zilch, but if at that place is no taxable income to brainstorm with, then no credit can exist taken. Tax credits, similar their cousins tax deductions, are always practiced things. But refundable tax credits give the "taxpayer" a refund of money that he never paid in to begin with. The money is merely taken from real taxpayers and transferred to him. Refundable tax credits are the ultimate form of welfare because they are payments made in greenbacks (like TANF or SSI) rather than payments fabricated to a third political party, every bit with Medicaid, or deposited on an Electronic Benefit Menu (EBC), equally with food stamps.

Terminate all strange aid. The government has no right to take money from Americans against their volition and give it to foreigners, NGOs, or foreign governments. Any American who wants to help the poor, starving, or underprivileged in any country is welcome to do so on his own or through whatever number of individual organizations as long equally he does and so with his own coin. All strange aid should exist individual and voluntary.

Stop fighting foreign wars. Foreign wars are never necessary and e'er senselessly sacrifice American blood and treasure. They too brand Americans less safe considering they aggrandize hatred of the United States and create terrorists and insurgents who resent existence bombed, invaded, and occupied.

Stop policing the world. U.Due south. strange policy has departed significantly from the foreign policy of the Founders. It was Thomas Jefferson who described U.S. foreign policy as "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none." It was John Quincy Adams who maintained that America "goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." U.S. foreign policy is reckless, belligerent, and meddling. Both of these former presidents would be balked at how far U.Due south. foreign policy has departed from the ideals of neutrality and nonintervention that they championed.

Dismantle the U.South. empire. The Us maintains an expensive and all-encompassing empire of hundreds of thousands of troops and a yard military installations around the globe. Spending on the U.S. military is a huge part of the federal budget. Yet much of information technology would exist totally unnecessary if the U.S. military were reserved strictly for defending America, securing American borders, patrolling American coasts, guarding American shores, and watching over American skies instead of doing those things in other countries. All strange U.S. bases should be airtight and all U.Southward. troops stationed overseas should be brought home.

Abolish the income tax. The federal regime is not entitled to a certain percentage of the income of whatever individual or business. If Congress strictly express spending just to what was authorized by the Constitution, the federal government wouldn't need any portion of Americans' incomes to fund its military adventures, income-transfer programs, wealth-redistribution schemes, or assorted boondoggles.

These changes would not but make America slap-up over again, they would make America better than she e'er was.

This commodity was originally published in the February 2018 issue of Future of Freedom.


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